No Loan Facility for NCZ and still Dr. Rajan Mahtani is being blamed!

A rumour which had been spread by Zambia Reports with respect to Dr. Rajan Mahtani is now biting the dust. On investigation, it has been confirmed that there were no loan facility for the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia Ltd., made by the Finance Bank of Zambia or Dr. Rajan Mahtani himself. Rather, it is once again the writing skills of the Zambia Reports authors that has done the trick and has resulted in further defamation of the executive Chairman of Mahtani Group of Companies.

Zambia Reports has been a notorious portal, whose primary objective is to earn money from sources who are looking to settle their dispute from a third party. In the present case, the minority shareholders of ZPC, the Ventriglias have funded Zambia Reports to defame Dr. Rajan Mahtani, member of Finsbury Investments.

Dr. Rajan Mahtani

As a matter of fact, the authors of Zambia Reports are actually those types of people whose main intend is to mix venom in their words. It is totally irrelevant whether their articles make sense or not, but what is important for them is defamation for Dr. Rajan Mahtani. Every week or so they come up with some imaginative stories where their imaginative sources claim of being witnesses to certain incidents where Dr. Mahtani is caught red-handed.

It is high time that Zambia Reports and the conspirators learn to be noble people. At the end of the day, what matters is how well one has used his gifted life. Our purpose of life is to widespread humanity and preserve the mother-nature. Wasting this life in defaming others and spreading corruption is only likely to open the gates of hell. Dr. Rajan Mahtani has always believed that journalism should be constructive, but at the same time presence of true fact is also an essential component of journalism.