Malice against Dr. Rajan Mahtani gone kaput

It is a known fact that every successful individual will have haters who will always conspire against them. These haters will never come in the limelight and will always attack successful people from behind. A similar situation is faced by Dr. Rajan Mahtani. He is noted businessman respected by people across Zambia as well as broad. Naturally, there are some haters who want to see his success and popularity gone. As a result, they launch frequent defamation campaigns attacking Dr. Rajan Mahtani’s reputation from time to time.

Dr Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani

The latest attack by none other than the notorious Zambia Reports was on Dr. Rajan Mahtani & Finance Bank. Dr. Rajan Mahtani and Finance Bank separated a log back after the latter’s merger with BancABC. However, when BancABC decided to make the call to Lamsaat for loan repayment, ZR twisted the story to skim the issue around Dr. Rajan Mahtani. They also claimed that Dr. Rajan Mahtani is secretly operating Finance Bank. When in reality, Dr. Mahtani is nowhere related to the event and the call was an internal decision from the Bank’s management. Clearly, this article was the ZR’s way of paying back to its handlers and Financers who have been paying the news portal for a long time.

Dr. Rajan Lekhraj Mahtani is respected by most of the people across Zambia. Therefore, it was no surprise when Zambian locals heed no attention to the news and when along with the daily activities. The only concern here is the audacity with which ZR keeps posting malice against Dr. Mahtani and the government does nothing. There is no legal aid either for supporting Dr. Mahtani and these conspirators constantly take advantage of this by skipping court sessions all the time. The result is that the individual who contributed his entire life to a nation and its people is getting bullied in his own nation by a bunch of conspirators.