Let the truth be learnt about Zambezi Portland Cement

The name of Zambezi Portland Cement has been associated with two factors now a days. The first factor is Dr. Rajan Mahtani and the second factor is its serious downfall in the past few months. Zambia Reports has always claimed that Ventriglia family are the true owners of the factory and Dr. Rajan Mahtani had presented forged documents to steal the ownership of the factory. Now from the past year or so, Ventriglia family has been operating ZPC and the world has witnessed the outcome. It is losses, mismanagement and corruption that prevail in ZPC behind the closed doors and outcome is severe losses.

Zambezi Portland Cement

Zambia Reports has supported its masters throughout and has come up with imaginative stories as well as manipulated facts. The result of its campaign is a series of defamatory news, which has surfaced against Dr. Rajan Mahtani. Now that its masters were operating the factory what good have they done for the people of Zambia or the factory itself? Had they been the true owner of the factory would they have sold off every asset of the factory? Would they have started to steal money from the factory cash box? Would they be planning to wind up and flee to Italy?

The answer is no! The Ventriglia family is and will always remain as minority shareholder of ZPC. People who have never seen so much of wealth and assets ever before will try and steal them before they get used elsewhere. For people like Dr. Rajan Mahtani, the existing wealth of the factory was like an asset which could have multiplied in the years to come. But since the management was forced to leave its seat with mafia tactics coming into the picture. Today Zambezi Portland Cement is on the verge of becoming defunct! And the blame for its current situation goes to the Ventriglias and Zambia Reports.