Indirect defamation for Dr. Rajan Mahtani by Zambia Reports

Zambia Reports has certainly been doing its ‘job’ with pride. They have defamed the former Finance Bank Chairman, Dr. Rajan Mahtani on numerous occasion. Yet, the money power of Sakwiba Sikota and Antonio Ventriglia have been saving the paid media house from facing severe legal consequences. The latest article from Zambia Reports was in respect of Portland Cement Zambia, but the author didn’t mind showering his personal opinions against Dr. Rajan Mahtani.

Portland Cement Zambia

The headlines stated that Portland Cement Zambia has won the award for the best employer. However, the article was more in relation with defaming Dr. Rajan Mahtani and stating fictitious facts about the factory. As per their thoughts, when the factory came into the hands of Ital Terrazzo Limited (ITL), it was in a very poor shape. The assets of the factory were being underutilized and most of the production facility was decaying. But, if we take a look at some of the news that we had seen while the factory was under Finsbury Investments, we would learn about the actual events in a much better way. It was during the reign of Finsbury Investment that Portland Cement Zambia had surpassed its forecasted output by more than 100,000 tonnes. Also, the factory has registered a remarkable growth rate.

Contrastingly, when one takes a look at the list of news which was obtained after ITL came to power, the scene doesn’t look good. Laying off 47 workers and poor condition of assets are some to name. nonetheless, from the actions of the conspirators, it has become clear that they are not keen to have a legal remedy, rather they like to settle things in their own Mafia ways. Perhaps, this is why they have also been missing hearing dates in the Court. This is how low the conspirators can really fall with a view to grab assets in Zambia.