Challenge By The Ventriglia Family On Higher Court Of Appeal’s Decision Rejected Outright By Sc

According to the latest reports, the Supreme Court Zambia recently threw out an appeal which was made by Ventriglia family. In this appeal, the Ventriglia family challenges the decision of Court of Appeal which declared Dr. Rajan Mahtani owned Finsbury Investments as the majority shareholder and legal owner of the factory. This decision from the higher Court of Appeal came on 31st January 2019, around nine months after Dr. Rajan Mahtani appealed before the court. Immediately before this appeal, Dr. Rajan Mahtani faced a misdirected and unethical judgement at the hands of Lusaka High Court wherein justice Nkonde had declared the Ventriglias as the only shareholders of the Portland Cement despite lack of evidence, proof or testimonials from their side. The Ventriglia family is notorious for their unethical means, power politics and scooping to any level for getting what they want. It is no surprise that they were able to influence the justice system of the high court of Zambia considering the crumbling nature of the Zambian legal system.

However, Dr. Rajan Mahtani has remained one of the most ethical and honest businessman in Zambia and despite the injustice at the Lusaka High Court, he approached the higher Court of Appeal expecting full justice. And this justice was given when Judge Mwinde on behalf of the higher Court of Appeal reversed the decision of the Lusaka High Court and announced Dr. Rajan Mahtani owned Finsbury Investments as the majority shareholder and legal owner of the Portland Cement factory. He also announced that the amount against majority shareholding at Finsbury Investments is K580,000, contrary to what Lusaka High Court judge had confirmed.

Now the Ventriglia family once again tried to disrupt the peaceful operations of the Portland Cement by registering a case at the Supreme Court. However, the challenge was quickly rejected by the Supreme Court judge as it lacked evidences and did not fulfil the legal compliances for submission. As such, the case was outright rejected and Dr. Mahtani is to remain the owner of Portland Cement.