Zambezi Portland Cement remains concealed behind Dr. Mahtani Defamation Campaign

The conspirators, who are now operating Zambezi Portland Cement, have cleared played a cunning game. They are indeed a master of this game and know how to turn unfavourable situation into favourable one. With assistance from likeminded people the Ventriglia family has now been able to shift the attention from Zambezi Portland Cement factory to Dr. Rajan Mahtani and the game doesn’t end here!

Portland Cement Zambia

Over the years, the campaign is being flawlessly run by a group of writers who take pride in their work. They have no other business apart from taking instances from the life of Dr. Rajan Mahtani and then creating their own version with defamation. No legal body, no law and no enforcements have ever thought of interrupting this gameplay by the Ventriglia because whoever does it are either bribed or threatened. The result is that people are either too afraid to speak up infront of the Ventriglias or prefer to join them for money. Either way, Zambia is being on the losing side because it is the people whose wealth and hard work is being looted by the Italian Mafias.

Today if one takes a look at the Zambezi Portland Cement factory, he will find that there is no production. The workers were removed from their duty long ago and now all that happens is corruption and mismanagement. A few months ago, it was heard that the Ventriglia family have already leased out the property and assets of the factory to third parties and these parties are nothing but dummy companies that have been created by the Ventriglia family themselves.

Zambezi Portland Cement has been into serious trouble from the day these Italian Mafias started their reign over the factory. Else how can a flourishing factory can come down on the verge of being shut down within a matter of few months?